Once your association is accepting online memberships, you should begin promoting membership across a variety of different channels.  You can use this checklist to keep track of which promotion steps you have completed.

Association Promotion Checklist

Send an email newsletter to your influence lists(s) asking them to join   MOST EFFECTIVE 

Add a 'Join' link/button to your website

Add a 'Join' link/button to your newsletter template

Add the 'Join' link and QR code to your printed materials

Share your Join link with your school's Principal, Ed Foundation, and other partners

Remove legacy Join/Donate links from existing websites

Update Your association Facebook page with Join buttons

Get all Leaders to share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest and other social media

Print a Poster with QR code to make it easy for people to join an live events

Accessing the Promote Tool for Your Association

We provide a Promote Tool for each of your applets (such as your Join Page) to make it easier to get your sharable link and promote on several different channels.  To get to the Promote Tool:

From the Promote Tool you can easily:

  • Copy the share link
  • Create a new email with the share link
  • Share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn