Click on the join now link and go through the purchase a membership interface
Choose membership type
Every membership can include their student’s teacher and grade easily. This new feature will support classroom and grade level membership challenges. Each student has a dedicated field for their grade and teacher. No need to update the Teacher list, TOTEM will automagically build it as members join.
2. Click on Add a Member/Student
3. Drop down menus will appear, in order for the member to fill out their child’s information
Member Name
Member type
Teacher (Last name only)
4. In your cart, you will see the membership and the student (non-membership)
Associated Members List
Once a member logs in, they will be able to see their associated members (student or non- member).
Members will be able to add a member or student in this location
Once a member clicks on Add a Member, the member will be taken through the join flow to purchase a membership
Once a member clicks on Add a Student, a pop up will appear to add a student (non - member)